Writing Persuasive Essays- The Unicorn in the Garden

The Unicorn in the Garden
(Writing an Argument or Opinion Essay)


  • To learn about the approach to writing an argument or opinion essay
  • To write an argument or opinion essay by following the steps
  • To engage in a debate


  • In persuasive or argumentative essays, we try to convince others to agree with us.
  • A topic sentence is a sentence that expresses the essential idea of a paragraph or larger section, usually appearing at the beginning.
  • A debate is a formal contest in which the affirmative and negative sides of a proposition are advocated by opposing speakers.

Essay Topic

Do you think the husband in the story "The Unicorn in the Garden" is crazy? Why or why not?

Writing Activity

1. Reread the story "The Unicorn in the Garden" by James Thurber.
2. Ask yourself the following question: Do you think the husband in the story "The Unicorn in the Garden" is crazy? Why or why not?
3. Formulate your opinion. Search the story for information to support your argument.
4. Create a strong topic sentence stating your opinion.
5. Write a one paragraph essay using at least three examples from the story.
6. Have a partner edit your essay.
7. Revise your essay.

Class Debate

Divide the class into two groups. One group supports that the husband is crazy while the other argues that he is not. Read the following guidlines on how to debate.